Riviera Yacht Support Golf Bonanza
The biggest golf event in the yachting calendar.
How it started
In 2010 Riviera Yacht Support was proud to announce the continuation of the annual tradition of the Yachting Golf Tournament. Previously started by the PYA and followed also by Nordzee we were happy to take up the reins and continue this much-loved tradition in the autumn Yachting calendar.
We were around 80 participants that year... Jump forward to 2023 and we are still going strong with an expected 300 participants this year.

The event has become the largest Golf tournament in the yachting Calendar, bringing together Captains, Officers and Crew from Superyachts with representatives from the Yachting industry for a fun packed 3-day event.
There is nothing quite like being out on the Golf Course, 18 holes of friendly competition, sub competitions, on course entertainment, and light refreshments along the way during 2 days of Stapleford golf.
The entire golf course and club house are dedicated to the sponsors and participants. It is the ideal setting for networking with Yachting’s elite in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

In 2022 we introduced a new 3 Day event. As most of you in the industry know Pinmar sadly held their final weekend Golf Event in 2019 and many of our clients and sponsors asked us to take up the challenge and continue this tradition of a full Golfing weekend and as our moto is always to find ‘the solution’ we have been overblown by the huge success of our first 3 Day event thanks to the continued support of our long-standing Sponsors.
We are working endlessly to bring you an even bigger and better RYS Golf Bonanza and Gala Dinner 3- Day event in 2023.

Our aim is to include more yachting professionals and companies to join our Golf Bonanza family and have introduced some new sponsorship opportunities and hospitality packages for all levels of participation.
New or old, your sponsorship and support mean so much to us and would like to thank you again, the Golf Bonanza would not be possible if it were not for all of you.
Please review for all sponsorship opportunities.
Ulf Sydbeck